CSV email export action, template generates all rows on a single row in the CSV

I have created a CSV export template for an email action.  Everything works, except all the output ends up on a single row in the resulting CSV, rather than each "record" being on its own row like you'd expect.  How do you make it put each record on a separate row?  I can't figure it out.  Here is the template:

"Evaluator","Evaluator Email","Review Date","Shop Name","Store Number","Address","City","State","Zip","Phone","Manager","Market Manager","RVP","1.Condition of Vehicle Scanning Equipment","1. Notes","1. Vehicle Scanning Equipment Images","2. Proper number of MIG welders given building size? Condition of MIG welder(s)","2. Notes","2.MIG welder Image","3. Condition of pulse welder(s)","3. Notes","3.Pulse welder Image","4. Condition of spot welder(s)","4. Notes","4.Spot Welder Image","5. Condition of plastic welder(s)","5. Notes","5.Plastic Welder Image","6. Condition of measuring system","6. Notes","6. Measuring System Image","7. Condition of frame rack","7. Notes","7 Frame Rack Image","8. Are proper frame rack accessories (clamps, hooks, chains) available?","8. Notes","8. Frame Rack Accessories Image","9.Condition of AC Machine(s)","9. Notes","9. AC Machine Image","10. Condition of Lifts","10. Notes","10.Lift Image","11. Condition of Compressor","11. Notes","11 Compressor Image","12. Equipment other","12. Notes","12.Other Equipment Image","13. Does shop have sufficient electrical power drops?","13. Notes","13.Electical Power Image","14. Overall condition of paint booth(s)","14. Notes","14.Paint Booth Image","15. Condition of mixing room","15. Notes","15.Mixing Room Image","16. Are our company Iawata spray guns available? Condition of spray guns","16. Notes","16. Iawata Spray Gun Image","17. Overall condition of building regarding maintenance","17. Notes","17. Building Maintenance Image","18. Overall condition of building regarding housekeeping","18. Notes","18.Building Housekeeping Image","19. Proper PPE precautions observed","19. Notes","19. PPE Images","Notify Procurement","Additional Comments","Body Shop Score","Paint Shop Score","Other Areas Score","Shop Score","Date Next Review is Required"
<<Start: SELECT(My Condition Status Red[Response Number], TRUE)>>
"<<[Evaluator]>>","<<[Evaluator Email]>>","<<[Review Date]>>","<<[Shop Name]>>","<<[Store Number]>>","<<[Address]>>","<<[City]>>","<<[State]>>","<<[Zip]>>","<<[Phone]>>","<<[Manager]>>","<<[Market Manager]>>","<<[RVP]>>","<<[1.Condition of Vehicle Scanning Equipment]>>","<<[1. Notes]>>","<<[1. Vehicle Scanning Equipment Images]>>","<<[2. Proper number of MIG welders given building size? Condition of MIG welder(s)]>>","<<[2. Notes]>>","<<[2.MIG welder Image]>>","<<[3. Condition of pulse welder(s)]>>","<<[3. Notes]>>","<<[3.Pulse welder Image]>>","<<[4. Condition of spot welder(s)]>>","<<[4. Notes]>>","<<[4.Spot Welder Image]>>","<<[5. Condition of plastic welder(s)]>>","<<[5. Notes]>>","<<[5.Plastic Welder Image]>>","<<[6. Condition of measuring system]>>","<<[6. Notes]>>","<<[6. Measuring System Image]>>","<<[7. Condition of frame rack]>>","<<[7. Notes]>>","<<[7 Frame Rack Image]>>","<<[8. Are proper frame rack accessories (clamps, hooks, chains) available?]>>","<<[8. Notes]>>","<<[8. Frame Rack Accessories Image]>>","<<[9.Condition of AC Machine(s)]>>","<<[9. Notes]>>","<<[9. AC Machine Image]>>","<<[10. Condition of Lifts]>>","<<[10. Notes]>>","<<[10.Lift Image]>>","<<[11. Condition of Compressor]>>","<<[11. Notes]>>","<<[11 Compressor Image]>>","<<[12. Equipment other]>>","<<[12. Notes]>>","<<[12.Other Equipment Image]>>","<<[13. Does shop have sufficient electrical power drops?]>>","<<[13. Notes]>>","<<[13.Electical Power Image]>>","<<[14. Overall condition of paint booth(s)]>>","<<[14. Notes]>>","<<[14.Paint Booth Image]>>","<<[15. Condition of mixing room]>>","<<[15. Notes]>>","<<[15.Mixing Room Image]>>","<<[16. Are our company Iawata spray guns available? Condition of spray guns]>>","<<[16. Notes]>>","<<[16. Iawata Spray Gun Image]>>","<<[17. Overall condition of building regarding maintenance]>>","<<[17. Notes]>>","<<[17. Building Maintenance Image]>>","<<[18. Overall condition of building regarding housekeeping]>>","<<[18. Notes]>>","<<[18.Building Housekeeping Image]>>","<<[19. Proper PPE precautions observed]>>","<<[19. Notes]>>","<<[19. PPE Images]>>","<<[Notify Procurement]>>","<<[Additional Comments]>>","<<[Body Shop Score]>>","<<[Paint Shop Score]>>","<<[Other Areas Score]>>","<<[Shop Score]>>","<<[Date Next Review is Required]>>"<<END>>


Solved Solved
0 4 154

Before we look into the main topic of CSV,  request you to reconsider naming your columns.

You seem to be having too many fields in the template ( of course this is not problem) and the names of the fields are too long. Typically in mobile apps, field names are recommended to be short (two or three short words  such as Customer Name or simply Customer,  mostly single words) for properly displaying data in different views and more importantly using columns names in complex expressions.

e.g. [ 2. Proper number of MIG welders given building size? Condition of MIG welder(s)]

       [8. Are proper frame rack accessories (clamps, hooks, chains) available?] etc.

 are very long field names to manage them in expressions and templates. Could you please instead evaluate using "display name" or 'description" property of the columns?


Regarding the csv template, please consider using the following structure as shown in the image below. 

That is

Column headers in first row

<<START>> expression in the second row.

<<[Column names]>> in the third row and 

<<END>> in the fourth row?




View solution in original post

I realized that the above solution isn't very succinct and may not help others much.  Basically, you just need a carriage return in the template between the headers and the bit that creates the rows.  Problem solved.

View solution in original post


Before we look into the main topic of CSV,  request you to reconsider naming your columns.

You seem to be having too many fields in the template ( of course this is not problem) and the names of the fields are too long. Typically in mobile apps, field names are recommended to be short (two or three short words  such as Customer Name or simply Customer,  mostly single words) for properly displaying data in different views and more importantly using columns names in complex expressions.

e.g. [ 2. Proper number of MIG welders given building size? Condition of MIG welder(s)]

       [8. Are proper frame rack accessories (clamps, hooks, chains) available?] etc.

 are very long field names to manage them in expressions and templates. Could you please instead evaluate using "display name" or 'description" property of the columns?


Regarding the csv template, please consider using the following structure as shown in the image below. 

That is

Column headers in first row

<<START>> expression in the second row.

<<[Column names]>> in the third row and 

<<END>> in the fourth row?




I realized that the above solution isn't very succinct and may not help others much.  Basically, you just need a carriage return in the template between the headers and the bit that creates the rows.  Problem solved.

Inserting a carriage return before the <<END>> tag fixed it.  These CSV templates seem rather cantankerous.  Thanks!

Thank you for the update. Good to know you got it working.

Yes, true. Those CSV templates and in general all templates and JSON for webhooks etc. have peculiar needs of structure.  Even one symbol missing here or there, the template will not work as intended.

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