CSV export limit columns

Hi all,

I have a view with some virtual show columns to have a nice human reading view.

This view without the virtual columns must be export into a csv file.

Unfortunately the virtual columns will also be exported, how can I avoid this?

I tried a grouped action with a change view (LINKETOVIEW) action based on slice without these virtual columns. But the grouped action stops after this first action and does not execute the following csv export action.

Any idea how to export without the virtual columns?

Thank you very much, Joachim

Solved Solved
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Thank you, I found a workaround using a csv export google sheet url

View solution in original post


If I understand correctly, you want the users to see a view with the Virtual Columns included but then export with those columns excluded from the file.  Unfortunately, at the moment, I don't think that is possible.  

The only way (at last check) to exclude columns from an export is by using a Slice that doesn't include them but then they are not available for a view either.

You can simulate it by creating your own "export" function using automation and templates.

Thank you, I found a workaround using a csv export google sheet url

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