Calculate Duration IF gap no more than 15min between values



I`m trying to calculate the duration of a column (inputTime) but not sure how could I limit it to calculate all entries that are less than 15min apart.


example:  In the below column, there has been a gap of more than 15min between entries, what I would like to achieve is that when calculating the whole duration, the expression can identify the gap and calculate only entries with less then 15min.


Could anyone shed a light on this?

Many thanks


10/03/2022 00:05:45
10/03/2022 00:06:26
10/03/2022 00:06:39
10/03/2022 00:11:16
10/03/2022 00:11:43
10/03/2022 00:13:52
10/03/2022 00:14:29
10/03/2022 13:16:36
10/03/2022 13:17:37
10/03/2022 13:17:56
10/03/2022 13:18:12
10/03/2022 13:18:38
10/03/2022 13:18:57
10/03/2022 13:19:28
10/03/2022 13:20:03
10/03/2022 13:20:11


0 4 177

[DateTime2] - [DateTime1] < "000:15:00"

Hi Joseph, thanks for your reply. Took me long o get back to you.

I could have done a better job at explaining it, trying again.

I have the column DateTime (as in image) in a sheet and my aim is it know how many continuous hours (less 15min apart from last row) there are in a period of time.

Many thanks 


question duration.png

What you're trying to do could easily cause performance problems. Rather than trying to find start and end times from a list of date-times, I would encourage you to make the determination as the date-times are collected.

This is achievable by creating another table, where each row would have a start time and end time. This table would be filled by a set of actions that check each row of your Times table against the row before and the row after. If gap with previous row > 15 min, this is my Start Time. If gap with next row > 15 min, then this is my Finish Time. 

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