Calculate SUM of worked hours per customers vs employe


I'm trying to simplify my app for using almost appsheet instead of using googlesheet formula AND appsheet .

I have a Table with punch time which include : Employe, customer and number of hours worked onsite on each row.

I would like to show in the app the sum of hours per client vs employe but can't figure how to do that... SUM,SELECT ?

in sheet I use this formula to extract the data:

=query(Punch_BD!A:K;"select CLIENT,sum(TIME WORKED) group by CLIENT pivot EMPLOYE";1)

Any idea?

Thank you for your help (sorry for my bad english)

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Appsheet can't really pivot data. The only thing close is a histogram chart. This is one thing that you might stick with spreadsheet tools to accomplish. You can always create the pivot table on your spreadsheet with your query formula, and load that into the app as a new table though. Just be sure that the number of columns never changes.

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