Calculate a value with different data types

I have a field called Hours worked that is a data type duration. 

[Stop Time] - [Start Time]           in Auto Compute 

It works as desired     05:00:00PM  -  08:00:00AM will return 09:00:00AM I format it in excel as a number and get 9.00

I also have a field called Personal Time that is a data type decimal. 

If I put 1.50 in Personal time I would like to have 7.5 in Net time 

I want to subtract Personal Time from Hours Worked and the result is stored in Net Time.

Is this possible and how can I do it or do a work around in the data excel table

0 4 55

[Net Time] column formula should probably be this:

[Hours Worked]-NUMBER([Personal Time])



Apparently it doesnt like 2 different data types.

I tried every combination and cannot get the correct value.


Thanks but the time is rounding I would like to see 9:00 - 1.25 = Net Time as 7.75 but it is 8:00 If I have .25 it shows 9:00 then .5 goes to net time 8:00 then .75 shows net time 8:00 then 1 shows 8:00 not until i get to 1.5 does it change to 7:00 there are no quarter hour increments


I was sure I posted another reply earlier. Well here it is again. Try it the 'opposite' way:

DECIMAL([Hours Worked])-[Personal Time]
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