Calculated field to update directly on google sheets

Hi Everyone,

I have two tables: "Results" & "Average". Each one in a sheet.

Table "Results" have this structure:


Table "Average" have this structure:


I want to update the sheet with the average calculated with AppSheet. I used this formula:

AVERAGE(SELECT(Results[Exam], [Student]= [_THIS].[Student]))


But I can't update on the sheet. How can I do it?

Thanks in advanced.



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First of all, instead of using [_THIS], you need to write [_THISROW]. If you have that in app formula field and you open the row in Average table, it should work.

If you want to be sure the AVERAGE() calculates it properly if the Exam column is blank, write it like..  AVERAGE(SELECT(Results[Exam],AND(ISNOTBLANK([Exam]),[Student]=[_THISROW].[Student])))

Thanks for your response. I modified but the calculated field is not saving on google sheet yet


But the appsheet section is white and the sheet is in blank.




Thanks in advanced

You would need to open the record. Otherwise the app formula is not recalculated. If you have it with the initial value, it won't recalculate it.

I understand. Is there a way to avoid having to save manually?

You can make the recalculation in the Average table with an action every time the new Result row is added or updated. If you need to do the same when the row is deleted, then Bot is a better approach.

You would need an action as "execute an action on a set of rows". This is quite simple as the Result record can have just one parent.

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