Calculator date between two dates without Sunday and some special days


Hi there.

I'm stuck when i try to Calculate the date between two dates without Sunday and some special days. I go to the forum and search for some results but it can't resolve my problem.

I need to calculate the workday of the employees in my company. I have the [stardate] and [enddate]. But my company works from Monday to Saturday and we have one day off in the month. it means we have 4 Sundays off and a random one day off the month and the holidays in my country.

So I create a table was name holidays and input the day off in there. but i don't know how to calculate it. i can imagine it looks like [enddate]- [stardate] -(some day in the list of holidays). I hope the people can help me. Thanks

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If you input Sundays in your holidays table then you can calculate the number of off-days as


   [_THISROW].[start date] <= [holiday],
   [holiday] <= [_THISROW].[end date]


Then subtract this from the difference between [start date]  and [end date].

You should also be aware how date/time values are calculated

Thank you so much

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