Calendar Setting

I wanted to know please, if it is possible to set limits in the choice of dates, as certain controls in certain programming programs allow...

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If you would like to remove those days before the selection itself, you would need to have an additional table with all available dates and have a drop down list where he/she coud select. I would say this would not be a very friendly way. In my opinion the validation is a better way as then the user has a calendar for the selection. If you have it with the validation, you could show your own warning message right after the date selection is made, and the user would understand to make a change before saving the event. Actually.. the user is not even able to save the event before fixing the date.

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You should be able to do that with the Valid_If.

Thanks for the answer, but in this way the user makes a "wrong" choice... I would just like to allow the selection of dates that are only days Monday or Tuesday...

If you use a validation like AND(TRUE,IN(WEEKDAY([Start]),LIST(2,3))) they should be able to select only those days Mon and Tue.

Thanks for the example, although I would underline that the question refers to whether it is possible to influence the control calendar in the presentation of just a few days, rather than on the subsequent choice, calculated moreover only when one decides to save the modification...

If you would like to remove those days before the selection itself, you would need to have an additional table with all available dates and have a drop down list where he/she coud select. I would say this would not be a very friendly way. In my opinion the validation is a better way as then the user has a calendar for the selection. If you have it with the validation, you could show your own warning message right after the date selection is made, and the user would understand to make a change before saving the event. Actually.. the user is not even able to save the event before fixing the date.

Thank you...

You're welcome!

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