Calender issue with scheduling app

Hi, I have issue with a work scheduler I am creating. The issue being that I am assigning work to a engineer start date/time and end date/time. If I select more than one day then a bar appears across the top instead of filling out the timed area's so you can see easily that the person has work in that timed period. I can cope with the bar at top, the problem becomes however when you assign work for 2.5 days as the bar still appears across the top making it look like he has work for 3 days not 2.5 days. Any idea how to fill out the times area's if more than one day selected?


The red bar at the top represents a start date of the 23rd and start time 08:00 the end date 25th and end time 12:00

Screenshot 2022-03-23 092948.jpg

Thanks in advance for any help.


0 1 58
  • UX

This is the standard least in all of the Calendars I have ever seen...for when an Event crosses multiple days.

As such, I think this would be the expected behavior by your app users.

NOTE:  If the Work time you wish to schedule is based on a Worker point of view - not the job duration point of view -  then you will want to schedule it that way - e.g. 7am - 5pm for each day worked.   

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