Call API from Javascript

Is it possible to call the appsheet api from javascript? Are there any working examples of this? Thank you!

1 5 1,083

For sure it’s possible provided you pass the correct parameters for your HTTP Request call. Provided you can explain what you are trying to achieve from what kinda resource, we can help more.

@David_Joyce - do not fear when @LeventK is near - he is the Appsheet API Guru

This is the (google apps script) code Im trying to run:

function TestAPI() {

var apiUrl = '{AppID}/tables/AddressList/Action';

var payload = {
    "Action": "Find",
    "Properties": {
       "Locale": "en-US",
       "Location": "47.623098, -122.330184",
       "Timezone": "Pacific Standard Time"
    "Rows": [ ]

var payloadStr = JSON.stringify(payload);

var options = {
  'headers' : {'ApplicationAccessKey' : '<ApplicationAccessKey>',
               'Accept' : 'application/json, application/geo+json, application/gpx+xml, img/png; charset=utf-8',
               'Authorization': '<Authorization>' },

  'method' : 'POST',
  'muteHttpExceptions': false,
  'contentType': 'application/json',

  'Action': 'Find',
  'Properties': {
      'Locale': 'en-US',
      'Location': '47.623098, -122.330184',
      'Timezone': 'Pacific Standard Time'
  'Rows': [ ]

var optionsStr = JSON.stringify(options);

var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiUrl, options);



This is the message I get in StackDriver logging:

{"HasWarning":false,"ReturnedFromCache":false,"DisconnectDetected":false,"RowValues":null,"Success":false,"ErrorDescription":"REST API REST API invoke request failed: The HTTP Body which should contain the API Action, Properties, and Row data is missing.","Timestamp":"2019-08-18T09:36:23.0481327Z","BackendVersion":5.1,"RequiredIOSAppVersion":4.3,"RequiredAndroidAppVersion":3.0}

This is the JSON body I am using:

{"headers":{"ApplicationAccessKey":"<ApplicationAccessKey>","Accept":"application/json, application/geo+json, application/gpx+xml, img/png; charset=utf-8","Authorization":"<Authorization>"},"method":"POST","muteHttpExceptions":false,"contentType":"application/json","Action":"Find","Properties":{"Locale":"en-US","Location":"47.623098, -122.330184","Timezone":"Pacific Standard Time"},"Rows":[]}ntentType=application/json}

What is wrong?
I figured out that it was an issue with the json payload. It has to be “stringifyed” before the api call.

You don’t need to put your payload inside the options actually. Below function is more appropriate to run:

function TestAPI() {

	var apiUrl = '{AppID}/tables/AddressList/Action';

	var payload = {
		"Action": "Find",
		"Properties": {
		   "Locale": "en-US",
		   "Location": "47.623098, -122.330184",
		   "Timezone": "Pacific Standard Time"
		"Rows": []

	var options = {
		'headers' : {'ApplicationAccessKey' : '<ApplicationAccessKey>',
				   'Accept' : 'application/json, application/geo+json, application/gpx+xml, img/png; charset=utf-8',
				   'Authorization': '<Authorization>'

		'method' : 'POST',
		'muteHttpExceptions': false,
		'contentType': 'application/json',
		'payload' = JSON.stringify(payload);


	var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiUrl, options);


Writing my first AppSheet API call in AppScript. It should read the contents of an AppSheet table and store it to a row/column array as getValues() would, or to records of key:value pairs.

The above is the only sample code I've found. Is it still current?

Is there sample code posted online to populate Authorization?

  'Authorization': '<Authorization>'

 Much thanks in advance for your advice / assistance.

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