Can I add a slice within a slice to create an advanced filter?


In my app I have data slices that allow me to create an order based on the day of the week and the location. It allows me to see what volunteers had signed in through the app on a certain day of the week. I also want to see what volunteers signed in at a specific location, but when I attempt to check these orders based on a specific day and location it shows me the all of the volunteers that signed in for that specific day. It does not filter it by the location. What can I do to fix this? Can I add a slice within a slice to create this advanced filter?


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@pjksafety wrote:

a slice within a slice

I'm not sure what you mean by this.

Regardless, it's definitely possible to create a slice that filters for multiple conditions, including for inclusion in another slice. See  Redundant vs. interdependent vs. row-level slice r... - Google Cloud Community  for some expression patterns.

Sorry for late reply. I am trying to use this expression in Slice to filter data from another slice. 1.PNG

The Row filter condition for a slice is the same thing as a "select-row?" part of a SELECT() expression

SELECT() - AppSheet Help

Thank for reply. I have read the SELECT()-AppSheet Help. And I try that way and still getting the error. I appreciate if you can help to correct this expression for Slice data. What I am trying to achieve. I have Slice "A" which is filter the data from the table.  Now what I am trying to filter some data from Slice "A" to Slice "B". Here is the expression I was trying but no luck.

Select(Data by Team[name],[WeekDaysDuty_1] = index(Pending Attendance[Att_Week_Day_Duty],1),true)

Error. The expression is valid but its result type 'List' is not one of the expected types: Yes/No

@pjksafety wrote:

Error. The expression is valid but its result type 'List' is not one of the expected types: Yes/No

The SELECT function returns a list. For a slice row filter condition, the expression you enter is evaluated for each row and needs to return yes/no.

@dbaum wrote:

See  Redundant vs. interdependent vs. row-level slice r... - Google Cloud Community  for some expression patterns.

For example:

AND(IN([ID], Slice A[ID]), {additional filter criteria})
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