Can I limit the number of options on an ENUMList but still allow new entries?

I have an emnumlist of type email so the user can add one or more recipients. I would like to use a suggested list with the following statement but it's ignored (the display lists all previous entries) when I add to suggested values and won't allow extra emails to be added if I use it in the valid if qualifier. Is there any way to achieve what I want?


Select(DaySheets[Email Day Sheet To]
,AND([Who For]=[_ThisRow].[Who For],IsNotBlank([Email Day Sheet To]))

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ENUM, ENUMLIST, regardless, if you uncheck auto complete other values, it seems to work as expected.

Try if yo have not already.

View solution in original post

Go figure! I don't understand why, but unchecking the auto-complete appears to have solved the problem. Thank you very, very much. That solves a big problem for me.

View solution in original post


Should work exactly as you want...

Make sure your expression is correct..



SELECT(CONTACTS[email], CONTAINS([email],"st"))






Thanks TeeSee1. That's what I thought should happen so I don't know what I am doing wrong. The attached screen shots show what I am using, if it's large enough to see. In this case I am looking at a record wher the [Who For] is .New. I have the Select clause in the Suggesed values but the display lists all values, not just the ones in my table where [Who For] is .New





The expression is "correct" but here is what I find strange and why, I believe, is causing this behavior, which I also was able to reproduce.

The suggested values you are trying to set retrieves values that will overwrite itself [Email Day Sheet To].

In this case, the system does not work as expected or at least what the expression evaluates to.

The question is however is why do you need to have this dropdown selecting its own column values. If this is a bug, then you need to wait till it is fixed but I think the quickest way is to redesign your app.

In response to "why do you need to have this dropdown selecting its own column values"

This file contains details of worksheets that need to be emailed to customers ([Who For]) from the field. I need the selection to show existing email addresses that have been used for the same customer. The selection criteria I used (AND([Who For]=[_ThisRow].[Who For], IsNotBlank([Email Day Sheet To])) I thought would limit the selection to email addresses (Email Day Sheet to) that were used for that customer before. 


If this is a bug, then I guess I have to wait till it's fixed. Do you know if it's an identified bug or does it need to be brought to someone's attention?

Regarding bug reporting, I do not know the correct path because I am just a free account user...

As for resolving your issue, you can simply add another column with the same expression which works as you expect. You can copy this new field to [Email Day Sheet To] if you want to.

You could also hide [Email Day Sheet To] from your view if you like.

Thanks TeeSee1. 

I'm not sure what hiding the field would achieve. The staff need to be able to update this field. Are you suggesting I create a VC and do my filtering on the VC? 

If this is a bug, then perhaps I should refer to support so it can be addressed?

A few things

1) I think it is a bug. Because test results by the expression editor show only what you expect. So yes, please report it. But I do not know if it will be addressed soon or even ever.

2) "Are you suggesting I create a VC and do my filtering on the VC?" =>yes. But please forget what I said. I tested it and it does not work.

3) As a workaround, can you set the field type to email rather than enum? It works this way. I tested it. You still get a dropdown.

Unchecking this seems to make it work, maybe you want to try it..

I certainly do not know the minute details of how this affects the dropdown list behavior..



Thanks for the suggestion. The problem is that if I use Enum, I can only have one email address, whereas I need many. Enumlist allows me to add multiple email addresses. 

ENUM, ENUMLIST, regardless, if you uncheck auto complete other values, it seems to work as expected.

Try if yo have not already.

Go figure! I don't understand why, but unchecking the auto-complete appears to have solved the problem. Thank you very, very much. That solves a big problem for me.

Sorry, the original question opened in the wrong account my end. TeeSee1, your solution fixed my problem and I thank you very much for persevering to help me.

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