Can someone help me with the formula for this condition ? Please

If there are less than 20 sales in a month, write 20. If greater than 20 sales, write greater one. For example: January has 17 sales, accept that as 20, if February has 25 sales, accept that as 25. And You can see the sum of sales in two months is 45. Because you accepted first month's sales as 20 and next month's sales as 25. And Now I need the sum of each month's accepted sales for the whole time period not for 2 months. Can someone help me with the formula for this condition ? Please

0 2 97

Sry I posted again beacuse I mistakenly clicked accept as solution button to the previous one.

First you should have a calculated column that counts the actual sales of the month. Let's name it realSales.

Then you add another column (name it for example adjustedSales) with the following formula and use it in all required aggregations: IF([realSales] < 20, 20, [realSales]).

Read: IF() - AppSheet Help

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