Can't edit view


I used a list type virtual column with the formula [Users], in order to display the content of the EnumList column [Users]. Unfortunately this virtual column is displayed as a gallery and I can't find how to edit this view.

I used the method described here :

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Click on view on this virtual lis then under the preview on the right click the view name which is in blue.  Then change this view from gallary to something else


Thanks ! That's exactly what I tried to do. The view in blue under the preview is called "gallery". This is not a view that I created and it is not in the list of views generated by the system. When I click on it, it displays a dashboard view that has nothing to do with it. That's why I don't understand where to modify this view.

So if its called "gallery" this is then a view that appsheets mayking on the fly.  Simply create a detail view for the slice that your using

I don't use a slice for this. This is a list type virtual column with this formula :


The column [Users] is an Enumlist refering the Users table.


Sie mรผssen nur unter dieser UX-Ansicht einen bereitgestellten Ansichtstyp, anstatt "Galerie" ,anklicken den Sie haben wollen entweder "Deck", "Tisch", "Detail" usw., die dann ausgewรคhlte Ansicht wird auch direkt Vorschau App angezeigt.

Thank you, but that's precisely the problem. When I click on the gallery view to edit it, it displays a view that has nothing to do with it. This is not a view that I created and it does not appear in the list of views generated by the system.

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