Cannot compare List with Text

I'm trying to link to an other view, and show the entries that include "Menu Name" in [Team Use]. In other words Team Use is a list, Menu Name is text, and I want to show items that contain the text within the list. I'm getting the error  "Cannot compare List with Text" which makes sense, but I'm not sure how to write the expression correctly. 


LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("Resource_List", [Team Use] = [_THISROW].[Menu Name])

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Yes but IN returns a boolean and LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW(viewfilter) you need to pass it a view and a filter ... just can't figure out how to get a filter that compares a list to a string 

A filter expression is an expression that returns a boolean/YN

I see, indeed the expression worked with that syntax 

LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("Resource_List", IN([_THISROW].[Menu Name], LIST([Team Use])))



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