Capture the user that changed a record

I want to capture the username() of the person that last changed the record EXCEPT when the only change was to a column status is set to Approved. ANY OTHER CHANGE will capture the user. I am capturing who “Approved” the record, but also want to capture the any user that changes anything but status. Not sure how to do it. Thanks.

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I think you can:

  1. Create a New Bot
  2. When this EVENT occurs:
    1. Event Type:Data Change:
    2. Table: Select table 
    3. Data Change Type: Updates
    4. Condition: [_thisRow_Before].[status]=[_thisRow_after].[status]
  3. Run this PROCESS
    1. Run a data action
    2. Set row values
    3. Set these column(s)
      1. [Changed by] = USEREMAIL()

If this doesn't work, you may need to have a column that is caputuring last person to edit regardless of change, and then have 

  1. [Changed by] = [Last Changed by]

If there is an easy way, I'd love to hear it from someone also

Thanks. I think the second option will work. I have never used the _thisrow_before. I will experiment with it. I used the second option and set reset on edit.

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