Capturing Image through webcam in appsheet in desktop view on pc/laptop


I know its possible to capture image directly from the image option available in mobile view of appSheet but is there any possibility we will be able to integrate a webcam that would capture the image on appSheet as mobile does on PC/laptop.

Any kind of help and suggestions would be appreciated.

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Mahad1 

Natively, it's not possible by now: 

Capture images - AppSheet Help


I would suggest to use a tablet if you can, as it will behave as a mobile device.

@Aurelien Thank You so much for the response. Is there any way using webhooks or custom html templates or anything that could help me achieving my required thing. ( I have a html template that uses the cam to capture image and then give data URI and then give this response back to appsheet) so is there anything we could do with appsheet so we will be able to capture the images instantly.

I need to do capture the image directly (dont want to select from already given files) and then it should be uploaded to appsheet as it does normally)

If there isn't please let me know some close concepts which i should explore that may could stand a chance.
Thank you

Hi @Mahad1 

@Mahad1 wrote:

If there isn't please let me know some close concepts which i should explore that may could stand a chance.

I'm afraid I can't help you more on this :s

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