Card View with list

Hello everybody. I have prepared this card view where a list is inserted instead of the image. Even if the list contains only one record, a lot of white space remains with the scroll bar.

2022-09-20 10_56_36-Window.png


1. Is it possible to reduce this space? (I ask because the lists that will usually populate this field will contain at most 3-4 records).

2. The columns in the list do not seem aligned, can they be improved?

Thanks to anyone who can help me

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  • UX

I think one may not have much control over this formatting of the table views that you are including in place of image in the card view. But you could possibly use more options such as using deck view or gallery view within the card view image instead of table view and include some product images  or some placeholder images with TEXT_ICON() function to make the view look more filled in and more user friemdly.

Deck view as image in card view below


Deck view with TEXT_ICON() function based images in Card view below

TEXT_ICON() - AppSheet Help



Thanks for the help but my goal would be to have a variable size based on the length of the list (without icons because they are just a list of operations to be performed and products to use). I believe that the card layout view does not allow this to maintain a certain linearity of the view itself. I leave this solution alone and try with deck view

Yes, if you do not need images, you can configure the deck view without the images also. I suggested images because you wanted less white space.

Regarding dynamically adjusting fonts size of the list or other views, I do not think that is easily possible and especially when you insert summary views in the card view , there seems to be loss of formatting.

I believe the card view was anyway not meant to show the lists in place of images.  Placing list views in card view images seems to be technically possible the way you have done. However, I suspect enough testing to allow list views inside the card views might not have happened because it was not intended functionality.  So there could be a buggy behavior you are seeing.

In any case Card views do have certain odd bugs that surface once in a while.

Hope this helps.

thanks for your interest !! It's much appreciated!!

I was doing a test because my need is to show in the parent table PIANI, the grandchilds grouped for children. Unfortunately doing it with a simple table view does not allow me to comfortably use the manual sorting buttons that are in the child table. The Deck view as a disadvantage only has that the nested tables look bad with a lot of empty space, alternatively I created a concatenation of the grandchild records, but they risk being cut if the string is too long (see photo). It seems that every solution in this case has pros and cons. The card view allowed me to connect the manual sorting actions and have a long text field, unfortunately it is not convenient as a general view in this case

2022-09-21 15_02_47-Window.png


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