Change 'Add New' action to a populated enum list


I have a form that populates a field (account) based on the page the action was on  (account details page). This also sorts a contact table to populate the contacts associated with that store. This all works great, however the 'add new' button on the list (in the instance where a contact doesn't already exist or there's a need to add an additional contact, opens a form without the store populated. I believe it's a system generated add new but I can't figure out where to customize that. My thinking is that if I do a lookup by userID for the last row on the previous form, it will populate the necessary store but I can't figure out where to do that. 

Screenshot 2024-01-06 10.54.03 AM.png








Screenshot 2024-01-06 10.54.23 AM.png


Solved Solved
0 6 210

Nah, that doesn't work either. I used the initial value and a lookup for the maxrow and it works great. 

View solution in original post


Hey man,

it's simple. You forgot to set the Contact "Is part of" Store in the Field Settings ๐Ÿ˜…

Yeah, I tried that but it doesn't work. The stores page uses an action that adds a row to another table and opens a new page, this interaction page, the interaction page has a ref to both stores and contacts which populates fine, unless I try to add a new one.


that's even simpler ๐Ÿ˜„
Interaction Page Dataset.[Contact].[Store] = Interaction Page Dataset.[Store]

Nah, that doesn't work either. I used the initial value and a lookup for the maxrow and it works great. 


maxrow works but is not a good solution imo. What if two users add a new contact at the same time? ๐Ÿ˜…

Maxrow by userid

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