Change Log - Append to new line

I've found a cool tool to capture changes to a separate table and link via ref.  One issue I have is when its tracking changes, its overwriting what was previously in the change lob.  I'd like the ability to append the changes.  Below is the script I'm using.  Any suggestions on what modifications I need to append vs overwrite?

left([CHANGE BY], find("@",[CHANGE BY])-1)&if(count([Related Logs])=0," | NEW",

lookup(index(orderby([Related Logs],[Last Updated],true),1),"Log",'UNIQUEID-LOG', "DEMAND ID")=[DEMAND ID], "", " | [DEMAND ID] from "&
lookup(index(orderby([Related Logs],[Last Updated],true),1),"Log",'UNIQUEID-LOG', DEMAND ID)&" ➔ "& [DEMAND ID])


0 1 74

Youtube tutorial from tool -->

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