Change columns with Virtual columns

Does Change column types work with Virtual columns?

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Platinum 4

Why don’t you try it and find out?

Because if someone had given me an answer instead of another question these posts could have been a reference for who like me would have preferred to save some time reading them instead of trying it in first person.

What do you think @Steve ?

Isn’t this place meant to ask questions to other (perhaps more experienced) users who hopefully can answer?

Most of the time is better to do your own research and just post when you face a problem that couldn’t be resolved using the docs

Actually I couldn’t find any information about change column types relative to virtual columns in the docs, so I searched in the existing topics but again nothing. So I decided to start a topic for those who’ll came. Maybe some appsheet team’s member had some tricks to show us.

Isn’t this a community?

Yeah, sure. But I mean that I know you already did a good try about this and found that it doesn’t work, even though the docs said that Change column type tracks any column.
So I suggest you to post this as a Bug or ask support to AppSheet directly

Understand, thanks, let’s ear what has @Steve to say

Change columns must be normal (non-virtual) columns.

Yes, but the question is, can Change column type track the changes from normal and virtual columns or just for the changes made to normal ones?

So, it’s a bug or the docs should be modified.
Confirm us that @Steve

Only normal columns.

UPDATE: I set up a normal column as ChangeTimestamp that points to a virtual column and I left the app running for a day with its usual users workflow and I noticed that sometimes the ChangeTimestamp column has detected the virtual column modification and has recorded the timestamp. I don’t know what to say anymore

I think we are gonna need to troubleshoot ourselves but I’m out of time right now

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