Change downloaded pdf file name

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

How to change the default file name for downloads in AppSheet?

I'm trying to change the default file name for downloads in AppSheet. Currently, the file is named after the URL of the download (_data_[AppName]_files_), which is not always helpful. I would like to be able to specify only the custom file name. 

In pdf bot settings I put: CONCATENATE("xxx", " ", [tableName], ".pdf")

In the data cell (in Auto compute/app formula) to catch the file I put:  CONCATENATE("/data/AppName/files/", "xxx", " ", [tableName], ".pdf")

everything work correctly but the downloaded file name is: "_data_AppName_file_xxx [tableName].pdf"

Is there a way to change the default file name when downloaded? (without "_data_AppName_file_")

0 5 873

Please clarify what you mean by "downloaded".  It seems you might be referring more to the generation of the PDF from an automation template?  If so then please show us the naming configuration you have implemented in the Bot step that generates the file.

He is talking about the name of the pdf, after the generation. When it opens in browser and you press on download. 

For example  : 




When you tap on a PDF file you are actually shifted out of the AppSheet app into the a PDF viewer.  You are then using it's download feature over which AppSheet has no control.  As far as I know, there is no way to change the name of the file being downloaded.  But you can rename the downloaded file!

Its possible that you can either upgrade the PDF viewer you have installed or install a different PDF viewer app that DOES support renaming of files during the download.  I don't have any more details about that.

Hi thank you for your reply,

The file is generated correctly with the correct name inside data/[appName]/files. My question is that when I click on the file icon in the app to download it, it automatically adds the path of the folders  where it is located to the correctly pre-set name (_data_[appName]_files_"correct name generated").



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