Change enum type "status" from another table

I am trying to create a field service application
I have the following problem and I have run out of options to try. ๐Ÿ™‚
I have 2 tables, one is with jobs and in it are the entries for Customer, Date, Time, Status, and Technician.
When submitting a new job, the status field is set to "Submitted", then I have an "Accept" action where when one of the technicians notices the request and accepts it, we change the lines "Status" = "Accepted", "Technician" = "_USERNAME".
When a technician visits the customer and fixes the problem, he writes a protocol that is already in a new table that also has a "Status" column, and in the "New protocol" form he selects the new "Status" ("Waiting for parts", "Required offer", "Closed").
So here comes my problem how to change the status of the job when a new status is set in the protocol?
Thanks in advance.

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In general you can try the reference actions that change the data in column(s) in one table based on trigger from the other table.

Please check for the action type "Data: Execute an action on a set of rows"

Actions: The Essentials - AppSheet Help

The sample app from the help article below explains and demonstrates the reference actions well. Please take a look. Please look under documentation of the app under Info -> Properties --> App documentation for explanation of the reference actions

Help article of sample apps Get started by using the feature samples - AppSheet Help

The sample app:  Reference Actions - AppSheet






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