Could not find row with key desktop

Hi all!

I am reaching out to you for assistance with a problem we are experiencing when editing details in desktop mode. When attempting to edit a detail, we are presented with the following error message: "Could not find row with key". It's worth noting that in mobile and tablet mode, everything works correctly.

Could you provide us with any ideas or solutions to fix this issue? We appreciate your prompt response and attention to this matter.

Could not find row with key.gif

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@faustosip wrote:

When attempting to edit a detail, we are presented with the following error message: "Could not find row with key".

It is a bug.  Please search the Desktop thread (link below) for any reports of this issue already.  If not, add your post there.  AppSheet is regularly inspecting the thread for new Desktop issues.

Technically, the row added with the New button is not physically saved to the datasource until Save is tapped on the Parent Form.  However, you should still be able to tap on the added row in the Child table to edit it.  It seems that maybe the new Desktop is not looking in the correct place for the added row.


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