Change kye column with a ref table

Hi there, 

is it possible/advisable to change the kye column? I also have a ref table linked to it .... doea everything get messed up if I do it?

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@andreagiordano wrote:

I was wondering if the connection between the tables will be kept


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What do you mean change?  Meaning you will assign another column as the key?  Or did you mean edit the data recorded in that column?

If it's the former, yes you can change that by unticking the index checkbox of the current key column and then ticking it for the new column you want to assign.
This may break some Ref columns that points to your table though so you will have to make adjustments on those as well.

If it's the latter, you cannot edit the data inside the key column once it is saved.  Unless you do it in the underlying google sheet.

Yea I meant assign another column ... and I was wondering if the connection between the tables will be kept. My situation is like in the image down below.

Trip is the kye column and if I change kye column for DateTime I wonder if the connection with the child table will be kept since data are alredy populating the Googlesheet.


Hope I'm more clear ... ๐Ÿ™‚


@andreagiordano wrote:

I was wondering if the connection between the tables will be kept


๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑThat's serious ... so that means I cannot do the change now but when i will rebuild the Google sheet. The connection between tables is too important. Thanks

Or make a bot/action that changes the FK to the new Key using a Dereference expression and then change the PK. This would mean that the app would be offline for a moment, but I wouldn't say more than 10 mins

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