Change logged in user when developing?

I guess this is really simple, but i just canโ€™t find it! I have an app with 3 diffrent users. That maipulates diffrent data and get subtly diffrent viewsโ€ฆ Where do I change which user is logged in to the app when Iโ€™m developing?? So I can verify that they each work as they sould.


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Not 100% sure but I remember this feature belongs to Business plan.

View solution in original post


Exacty that! Where has it gone???

Not 100% sure but I remember this feature belongs to Business plan.

I checked another app, one thatโ€™s not on a business plan:
Youโ€™re correct sir, seems itโ€™s a business plan option.

Thank you for speedy replies! I used it before the summer so I got a bit confused. I only have the Pro plan so that is a bit inconvenient.

Any tips on best practise to test my security filters on pro plan would be greatly appreciated!

A method Iโ€™ve done is to create a field in the usersettings() to hold the email you wish to use, then base all your security filters/formulas/etc. on this field instead of USEREMAIL().

Hereโ€™s how I would set this up:

  • Create a usersettings field and name it something like โ€œEmail_Being_Usedโ€ or something.
  • Give it an initial value formula of useremail() (to automatically set the field to whoever is actually using the app).
  • Restrict itโ€™s visibility and editability based on your email (or if youโ€™ve got a user class system setup in your app, you could restrict it so only admins can use it)

What happens for a normal user

When a normal user opens the app, this new field immediately pulls in the email the person used to log in - and all your formulas look at that value for their criteria - and things proceed normally.

What happens when you open the app

When you open the app, the same thing happens as for the regular user - except that now you have the capability of opening the Settings page and changing this email; when you change it to another person and save, the app will open using the email that youโ€™ve entered - thus emulating the user.

I typically create a user class system for my apps by implementing a Users table, with columns that hold the email of the user AND their associated role; further criteria can be included in the User table, such as authorized facilities or other data limiting criteria.

So for me, instead of creating a field to hold an email, I instead use a ref column to the Users table and use a Current_User (Slice) that pulls in the user record for whoever Iโ€™ve selected in the usersettings.

Either way, itโ€™s still accomplishing the same thing: it gives those who are authorized the ability to take over the app and see it from another userโ€™s perspective.

Hope it helps, I can be long winded at times.

Epic! Thank you for taking the time to explain it! Bonus is that I can quickly switch on my phone or tablet for demo porpuses without login in and out! I will get right on it!

Only bad thing is that now my โ€œpreview as userโ€ is locked as a potential customer and not my own e-mail. But hopefully support can help me with that!

Thanks again!

Youโ€™re welcome

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