Changing the display of links

I want to change the name of the link that is shown to something of my own (6/29/2022 on my screenshot), like in example:


CONCATE ([DateID].[Date] , [DateID].[Time])



P.S. The logic of my application does not allow to select the cell Date as datetime, only DATE

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The following may help. If not, try explaining your question again.

  • Create a new column with an App formula that combines the date and time values from other columns.
  • Mark that column as the table's Label column.

FYI: CONCATE is not a function. Maybe you mean CONCATENATE.

View solution in original post


The following may help. If not, try explaining your question again.

  • Create a new column with an App formula that combines the date and time values from other columns.
  • Mark that column as the table's Label column.

FYI: CONCATE is not a function. Maybe you mean CONCATENATE.

Yo, it's work! 


Thank you so much!

Excuse me, can I sort these values? And hide, for example, those who are "older" than today?

In the column's Valid if property, enter an expression that produces the list you want in the order you want. You can use functions like ORDERBY, SELECT, and FILTER to achieve your desired result.

Screenshot 2022-07-01 072218.png


CONCATENATE([Date], " ", [Slots])




FILTER("Reserved", [Date] > TODAY()), [Date]


Screenshot 2022-07-01 075736.png 

Doesn't work, and I don't quite understand why, most likely the problem is in the field types

Try changing this:

CONCATENATE([Date], " ", [Slots])

to this:

DATETIME(CONCATENATE([Date], " ", [Slots]))

@Steve  Well, before the formula worked, I just entered it valid_if, and now there is another problem, even with your formula, if I enter the value in the "initial value" of the Start Datetime as: 

[DateID].[Date + DateTime]

I get absolutely no result no matter which of the formulas you provided I use as the virtual string formula. Although this is how it is displayed "visually" Screenshot 2022-07-01 095010.png

The virtual column you made seem to be a simple date + time one, it's correct? Share the actual expression you are using please.

If it's not a concatenation and it's actually adding a [date] and [time] column, you can sort, filter or similar using that column

Screenshot 2022-07-01 072218.png

CONCATENATE([Date], " ", [Slots])


FILTER("Reserved", [Date] > TODAY()), [Date]

Screenshot 2022-07-01 075736.png 

Doesn't work, and I don't quite understand why, most likely the problem is in the field types


This is something that for me it's usually to use and it's crazy if you want to show other data different that the ID. Did you find the solution???

Sure, look from above

@SanyaCLAUS wrote:

P.S. The logic of my application does not allow to select the cell Date as datetime, only DATE

I ignored this part

You can't manually change the column type from Date to Datetime?

My new topic - here is why i can`t change column type to datetime, because is application logic - date picker, then enum clock picker, which allows you to select only those hours that have not yet been selected on that day (+2 hours).

Enum hours slot picker formula:

"08:00:00", "08:30:00", "09:00:00", "09:30:00" 
"10:00:00", "10:30:00", "11:00:00", "11:30:00", 
"12:00:00", "12:30:00", "13:00:00", "13:30:00",
"14:00:00", "14:30:00", "15:00:00")


Reserved[Slots], [Date] = [_THISROW].[Date]
Select(Reserved[One hour], [Date] = [_THISROW].[Date]) - 
Select(Reserved[Two hour], [Date] = [_THISROW].[Date]) - 
Select(Reserved[One&half], [Date] = [_THISROW].[Date]) - 
Select(Reserved[Two&half], [Date] = [_THISROW].[Date])


Got it.

I would love to follow this conversation inside your new post but honestly I think that you are going into a rabit hole with that new post and on this one there is more context already.

If you want I could give you a step by step on how I would reorganize your tables to do what you want, but we need more info about your current tables' schema.

Also, it's great to learn as you go, experiment, etc, we all do at some point. But if you are short on time -as I assume most people is- try explaining what you want to acomplish, your use case, and what you have done to acomplish it. You will get more helpful answers that way.

PS: If I sound rude, forget me, is not the way I'm trying to express myself. Honestly I want to help

@SkrOYC  Yes, you are right, but in the new topic, I described everything in detail, and there are no past mistakes.

I also described what I want to do and what I have already done, and yes, I would not refuse your recommendations, although it seems to me that my requests are limited AppSheet functionality

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