Changing the name of the link on system generated documents.


I am built an app to assist some of my businesses employees when completing a checklist. On completion of the checklist Appsheets creates a pdf with the data collected in the checklist and emails the user who completed the checklist. One of the items that insert into the checklist is a file attachment. The file shows up as a hyperlink on the system generated document with the field name followed by some variable numbers. 

I was wondering if I could change the name of the hyperlink form what it is to something else, for example, "click here" . 

Please let me know if this would be possible. 




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Yes.  You would use the HYPERLINK() function in the construction of the email body text.



Would I be able to do it on the documents itself, or only in the email text. I am using the "<<[]>>" function to map the data onto the document template, so I do not see how I would map the link using that function. 


Also the link is created once the document is uploaded onto Appsheets, how would I have the system then fetch that link ?

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