Chart View Bug

We have a chart view where the selected type is col series. Chart is very simple and reading the Y axis values from a Virtual Column computation. However, the Y axis numbers are repeated as per the total number of records in the table. As you can see from the below screenshot, there are simply 2 records in the table and the Y axis numbers are doubled. When there are 3 records, the numbers are tripled and so on.

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Adding @praveen as we had already discussed this issue in Dezember 2018.

@LeventK what is the name of the app?

@praveen it’s our customer’s app. @Muzekker_Vatan can you please pass the name of the app and your account ID so that AppSheet devs can check it? Thanks.

@LeventK I found the app. It is a col-series chart on the Duration column. The Duration column values for each of the rows is 4, That is why the chart shows 4.

The chart is correct — it has one X-axis entry for each row, and it is correctly showing the column value for each of them.

@Fabian you may be referring to a different chart issue perhaps?

Thanks for investigating it for me. However, I haven’t said that the chart is wrong or the chart is displaying incorrect values. You are correct that the [Duration] column for those 2 records is 4. If you look at the Y axis of the chart, I was asking why the numerical figures are displayed as doubled like 0-0 | 1-1 | 2-2 | 3-3 | 4-4 instead of single major increments like 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4?

My bad! I didn’t understand. ANd now I also see what Fabian was saying. I thought we had fixed this problem earlier. Let me see …

I might finally have a fix for this rolling out on Monday

It is working now. Thanks to everyone.

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