Chart View Column Display

I have a table Projects in which i have created 7 columns:-

1. ID -> UniqueID()
2. Employee Name - Ref
3. Project Name -Enum
4. Start Date - Date
5. End Date - Date
6. Utilization - Number
7. Status - Enum

The Column number 6 i.e. Utilization

I want to make a histogram chart view in which i can view sum of utilization of per employee as well as 2 action button in which i can view TOP 5 Utilized peoples and bottom 5 Utilized peoples.

Please help me!

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If understanding of your requirement is correct, in the Histogram please define something like belowHistogram-1.png

2) For Top and bottom 5 utilizations you could try with LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() actions.

View solution in original post

I think it will be a bit longish and expressions involved are sync time expensive.  There could be a better approach of updating total utilization of employee with actions etc. but below will work


1.  create a VC called say [Utilization Per Employee] with an expression something like 

SUM(SELECT(Projects[Utilization], [Employee Name]=[_THISROW].[Employee Name]))

2.  A slice called say 'EmployeeUtilization" on table Projects with an expression something like [Key Column]=MINROW("Projects","_ROWNUMBER",[Employee Name]=[_THISROW].[Employee Name]) 

3. An action "Overlay" type with name such as "Top 5"on Projects table with an expression something like  LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("HistoChart", IN([Key Column], TOP(ORDERBY(EmpoyeeUtilization[Key Column], [Utilization Per Employee], TRUE),5)))

4. An action "Overlay" type with name such as "Last 5"on Projects table with an expression something like  LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("HistoChart", IN([Key Column], TOP(ORDERBY(EmpoyeeUtilization[Key Column], [Utilization Per Employee], FALSE),5)))

In 3 and 4 "HistoChart" is the name of Histogram chart view. Please replace suitably.



View solution in original post


If understanding of your requirement is correct, in the Histogram please define something like belowHistogram-1.png

2) For Top and bottom 5 utilizations you could try with LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() actions.

Sir, can u please help to make the expression of linktofilterview() according with my above mentioned data?

Filter should be only applied on the utilization column of Projects table.

I think it will be a bit longish and expressions involved are sync time expensive.  There could be a better approach of updating total utilization of employee with actions etc. but below will work


1.  create a VC called say [Utilization Per Employee] with an expression something like 

SUM(SELECT(Projects[Utilization], [Employee Name]=[_THISROW].[Employee Name]))

2.  A slice called say 'EmployeeUtilization" on table Projects with an expression something like [Key Column]=MINROW("Projects","_ROWNUMBER",[Employee Name]=[_THISROW].[Employee Name]) 

3. An action "Overlay" type with name such as "Top 5"on Projects table with an expression something like  LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("HistoChart", IN([Key Column], TOP(ORDERBY(EmpoyeeUtilization[Key Column], [Utilization Per Employee], TRUE),5)))

4. An action "Overlay" type with name such as "Last 5"on Projects table with an expression something like  LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("HistoChart", IN([Key Column], TOP(ORDERBY(EmpoyeeUtilization[Key Column], [Utilization Per Employee], FALSE),5)))

In 3 and 4 "HistoChart" is the name of Histogram chart view. Please replace suitably.



Thank You Very Much Sir!

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