Chart with Y-axis = time/duration, and X-axis = date not working

Hi I am creating an app that shows

1. the time that the person went to bed (Sleep Time) (type = time)

2. the time when the person woke up (Wake Up Time) (type = time)

3. the duration of the persons sleep time (Slept Hours) (type = duration)


When I want to create charts for 1 and 2, it doesn't give me the option for that columns (type = time)


For 3, it just doesn't show the lines in the chart. (It's courious that if I hover the chart with the mouse, it shows the hours, but not the line). This is the same for any type of chart I use with this column type (duration)


Anyone knows how to accomplish this?


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I don't think you can chart Time values like that. You could convert them into integers, like 9am would be 900, and 3pm would be 1500, then you would be able to chart them.

For the slept hours chart in your screenshot, it looks like you just have a single data point? No line will show up with only 1 data point.

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