
Hello Guys! Very Good day. Hope all of you are doing well.

Guys, my data is shown in the red box and I want to have the graph presented below. Would you please help me how can I draw, in the AppSheet. I need to sum up the amounts group by the date. But couldn't make it. Please get me some help. I am using Google SpreadSheet.

Thanks and regards.



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We already gave you the solution. Be patient, read, try and keep pushing.

View solution in original post

Hi @Joseph_Seddik ! I am sorry that I irritate you. But you know, it is not my fault really as the treasure is kept in the corner of silence. I couldnt find that. 

Indeed, it is my solution.


View solution in original post


In UX, create a new view for your table and choose view type as: Chart. 

Are you talking about slice? If slice, then @Joseph_Seddik slice is not like view, so far I have seen. In slice, no group by; only filtering. Even no sorting. If I understand wrongly, please get me to the point.

Thanks a lot.


Capture dโ€™eฬcran 2022-02-18 aฬ€ 15.30.53.png

Thanks @Joseph_Seddik  . But it will not produce the intended graph unless the second view of the primary data is not available. Because the chart view dont have any group by option. It can produce a graph but not the graph that I intended to have. My primary data is in the red box but the graph should be generated from the data grouped by date as it was shown in the middle table data referred to my picture. At least I couldn't find. Please get me your suggestion. 



Because the chart view dont have any group by option.

Where did you get that idea from?! did you try it? 

It does group the entries per the chosen column and you can choose the grouping criteria among Count, Sum, Average, Maximum and Minimum. 

The chart type you should choose is Histogram, which will give you a bar view, one bar per day. In the new chart editor you can also have the same with line view. 



@Joseph_Seddik, please check as follows. I can not see any option. The connected slice for this chart have the date; but it is not showing and I can not find any option where I can set date on the horizontal axis.




@Joseph_Seddik wrote:

Because the chart view dont have any group by option.

Where did you get that idea from?! did you try it? 

It does group the entries per the chosen column and you can choose the grouping criteria among Count, Sum, Average, Maximum and Minimum. 




Hi @Joseph_Seddik ! Please check whether all these are possible or not . My indention was clear. I have shown in my question that what kind of data and what kind of graph I need.


I have the same issue with my data. In Slices theres no summarization by date. 

In terms of Views, there's no difference between a table and a slice. All display options available for a table are as well available for a slice. 

Can you please explain your problem more? Thanks.

The legacy one has it too. 

Just by day, not week, month, etc

Hi @Joseph_Seddik ! I am sorry that I irritate you. But you know, it is not my fault really as the treasure is kept in the corner of silence. I couldnt find that. 

Indeed, it is my solution.


My expectation is very simple as i show in the diagram attached to my Question. @SkrOYC please see my answer to @Joseph_Seddik and your kind help is very urgent.


HI @SkrOYC , i can not find the configuration option in my editor. Would you please tell me how can I get that. Thanks.

Got the option. Let me explore. Get back to you soon. Thanks again.

Hi @SkrOYC ! Thanks for your help. I have explored your suggested new feature. I think it is not my solution as my need was explained clearly in my question. I need to have graph on the data sum of the dates and on x-axis (horizontal axis) date will be shown. Y axis is amount. If I am wrong, it would be great. Please help me to get the solution. 




We already gave you the solution. Be patient, read, try and keep pushing.

I couldn't before. I am trying again. Thanks.

Yes. I got it. I couldn't find it as it is not in the general layout. Thanks @Joseph_Seddik @SkrOYC . Indeed it is my solution in the easiest way ever.

Offer a kiss to the team of AppSheet to materialize the need. I was about to leave the platform as I was thinking that i am unable to solve my problems with this platform. But I am happy that I become wrong. Thanks to you all.


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