Child Form not set on child creation

Hey there, I don't know why, in a child form, the App isn't in any form filling the related origin ID code - 

Invoice Table: CdFatura (Index)
Relationship: Table Invoice: RLInvoiceItem


        [IsDeleted] <> "Y", 
        [_THISROW] = [CdFatura]


Guess it is related to this filter - But don't know why behaves this way!

InvoiceItens Table REF CdFatura - BUT when in InvoiceItens_Form it Does not show the column, does not receive it and do not record it




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A few comments..

[CdFatura].[CdFatura] results in a single value, which, in this case, is the value of [CdFatura] referenced by the column [CdFatura] of this row, which is blank when you first create a new row.

I am guessing you would perhaps want to put this in the Suggested Values setting and make it "table name[CdFatura]". Notice the absence of brackets.

This relationship is listed in the invoice detail. Considering the Invoice table is open, it should work and populate the child table - But It is not what is happening 

It would be: 



I guess it is the same issue of: Child Record from a ref column are not associated 

Althought the issue is similar,the solution for that did not work for this case! 


You do not specify the Initial Value to pre-populate the ref col to the parent table when creating a child record from the parent record.

If you are doing that, simply leaving it blank should work unless you have set it not editable like that Q&A.

In my previous post I suggested to set the Suggested Values (a list) and not the Initial Value (a single value in this case). But in your case, you do not need to set this either if you are creating a child record from a parent record. If you want to create a child record directly and manually choose a parent record, then set the Suggested Values to list a list of possible parent rows. In that case the expression I believe would be

FILTER("Fatura",  [IsDeleted] <> "Y")

To be honest, I am not really sure what exactly you are trying to achieve.

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