Clickable text when using the HYPERLINK function is truncated.

As described here:

HYPERLINK("", "Google") SHOULD return clickable text like this: Google

But instead is returning

I need to manually construct URLs for SMS text messages. Shorter, clickable text would be much better for this than potentially long URLs.

I remember this issue was fixed sometime ago, before the new forum platform. With the new platform, I cannot find any reference to my old posts about this issue.

@Steve @LeventK 

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Platinum 4

SMS messages cannot include hyperlinks, I believe. They can include URLs, which are converted to hyperlinks by the SMS client.

I'm not sure how it's being done but, my employer utilizes another application that sends SMS messages that are interpreted as clickable "friendly" links. By friendly links I mean clickable text rather than a URL.

That said, I am having trouble with the HYPERLINK expression where ever I try to use it. As I mentioned previously:

@MichaelN wrote:

As described here:

HYPERLINK("", "Google") SHOULD return clickable text (NO URL): Google

But instead is returning the URL:



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