Collections of files table

I have connected a google drive folder with the collections of files and got a table with the files metadata. 

When i open the data (View Data) i can see tha the file column is actually a link to the file in cloud storage and it takes me to the file itself. 

How can i get this link in the appsheet table? 




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I think to access the file link in other table you will need some unique reference to the file row in the file folder table such as file name in the other table where you wish to access the file.

Then you could pull the file name from that row in the file folder table with a SELECT() expression such as 

ANY(SELECT(Folder-Table Name[File], CONTAINS([Path], "file name"))) where "file name" is some unique identifier of the file such as its unique name.

However this approach may not be very sync time friendly if you have many files in the folder as the SELECT() will work across many rows, thereby being sync time expensive.



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