Colours icons in format rules, bug?


I have a problem with the colors of the icons, always takes the color of the icon that is positioned below the list.
There is a post on the subject, but the solution is not well understood.

is it a bug?

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Captura de Pantalla 2023-08-04 a la(s) 12.33.34.png

0 7 156

Sometimes it is just a matter of arranging your format rules correctly. You might have overlapping concepts and one is taking precedence over another. You can drag to rearrange them in the editor.

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @marinocity 

If you didn't make any change, you need to issue a ticket to the support: Contact Us - AppSheet Help

Otherwise, you may want to check @Ryan_Wagner 's suggestion ๐Ÿ™‚


Also, you may have accidentally selected various columns/Actions with the same format rule, and the last active rule (in the order) will override the others.

Here is an example:




Thanks @Aurelien 

Format rules is OK, all sorted, same column date


But all green...


There is an update coming where you can have a color icon by icon, but it sounds it has not reached your account yet.

"Color icon by icon?" Can you give an example of this? I'm always ready for another improvement...

Nevermind, I think I found what you're talking about...




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