Column Change automation not working

I am trying to setup an Automation bot that will send me an email when the [Company Name] column receives a new entry. Ive followed various tutorials and forum posts, but those solutions don't need to apply to my circumstance. I made sure to install the Appsheet event extention onto google sheets and my conditional expression looks good.
[_THISROW_BEFORE].[Company Name] <> [_THISROW_AFTER].[Company Name]

Screen Shot 2022-08-18 at 11.11.00 AM.png

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The [_THISROW_BEFORE and AFTER] are used when you want to capture Edit changes to check which value was before the user edited it

What am I doing wrong then? I feel like this should be a super simple automation.

If you want to run a bot when there is a row added and the [Company] column is not blank:
ISNOTBLANK() - AppSheet Help

I have followed this guide ->
and no luck getting the event to trigger if the data changes/updates/adds.

@rapidz wrote:

no luck getting the event to trigger if the data changes/updates/adds.

That should be related to a condition that is not returning True

Im out of ideas. I simply just want a process to trigger once data in a column changes/gets added. It shouldn't be this difficult when the guide I previously linked was made for this purpose. I thank you for trying to help however.

@rapidz wrote:

I simply just want a process to trigger once data in a column changes/gets added

Why didn't you tell us that before? Plain english always helps

Try this on your condition:

  [_THISROW_BEFORE].[Company Name]<>[_THISROW_AFTER].[Company Name],
  ISNOTBLANK([Company Name])
 ISNOTBLANK([Company Name])

 And change your Trigger to Adds + Updates

This expression will not work, the process does not trigger(email). Also when I test the automation, only 1 event shows up for row #2 in my data source even though multiple rows are filled with data besides row #2.

What do you mean by "when the [Company Name] column receives a new entry"? The square brackets in "[Company Name]" suggests a column value. Do you want to be notified when the Company Name column value changes?

But your bot is configured to respond to Adds only, which means it will only respond to newly-added rows and not to changes in existing rows. Do you want to be notified when a row is added that has a Company Name column value that isn't used in any other rows?

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