Column format being changed while adding row with a process

I'm having running app since some time and I made copy of that app just now. Google Sheet is used for the database

The app has a process where, if row is added in Table A, then a row to be added inTable B with same values of specified columns of Table A. The column type of both the tables are decimal.

The issue is when row is being added in Table A the decimal values are captured by correctly with decimal dot (.) but when row is being added to Table B the decimal dot is getting replaced with comma (,) which converts the values as text breaking the other assciated workflows.

Need help in resolving this issue.

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First check the locale setting in AppSheet for each table.  See image below.

If above looks good....Are both tabs/tables in the same Sheet/workbook?  If not check that the locale in each Google Sheet/workbook is set the same.


Screen Shot 2022-04-14 at 2.35.55 PM.png

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