Columns editebles only in a specific period of time

Good morning.
I would like to know how I can make a column editable only for a specific time span of the day. To be more precise, it is an app accessed by several users who express a preference regarding a day of the week (for example in Monday I want 3 products, Tuesday 4, Wednesday 0, etc.). However, since I need to collect data on a day-to-day basis, I need all users to express their preference for Monday by 1pm on Monday; the preference of Tuesday before 1 pm on Tuesday, etc ...

0 5 134

In the Editable? property of the column, you can use an expression like:

AND(TIMENOW() > "00:00:00", TIMENOW() <= "13:00:00")

Thanks for the reply. It actually works. However, as there are more choices, if the user wants to express a Tuesday preference he must also be able to do it on Mondays after 1pm ... So you should change the formula based on the day of the week, but I can't find it ...

I don't know how you have implemented  your app so I can't provide precise direction. 

There is a WEEKDAY() function that returns a number from 1 to 7 for days of the week, Sun = 1.  You will likely need to make use of that function.

Thanks a lot. It works.

In property of the column "Thursday", for example, i have used this expression:

(WEEKDAY(TODAY()) <=5); AND((TIMENOW() >= "00:00:00"), (TIMENOW() < "12:00:00"))

I'm sorry. I tried the formula you recommended, but it doesn't work properly, so I'll explain better.
I need a certain column to be editable from 00:00 on the current Monday to 17:00 on the current Thursday.

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