Compare different's tables

i have two tables"visao" and “trecho”

i need to compare an value from them, to add a format rule and highlight color if the values are sames.

both tables there is the column [maquina], with type text

i put into condition from Format rule this:


but it not high light nothing from view trecho

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A format rule can only apply to a single table. If you want both tables to highlight differences, you’ll need format rules for each table.

Format rules can use data from other tables, so what you’re trying to do is possible.

There needs to be some way to match the row in one table to the row to which it is to be compared in the other table. What do the rows have in common? The same key column value? A Ref to reach other? The same row number?

A format rule can only apply to a single table. If you want both tables to highlight differences, you’ll need format rules for each table.

sure, i need only one table “trecho” to be highlighted.

There needs to be some way to match the row in one table to the row to which it is to be compared in the other table. What do the rows have in common? The same key column value? A Ref to reach other? The same row number?

the both tables have one column in common,"the column [maquina] ".

table(trecho)this is the view that i want to be highlighted :

table(visao)if its in this view:

i did it with this formula:

but i need one more condition, i need that [indisponivel]=“SIM”

i tryed : [maquina]=and(LOOKUP([_thisrow].[maquina],visao,maquina,maquina),visao[indisponivel]=“SIM”)

but it doens’t works.

I've got pritty the same problem. Two tables with Serial nuber of parts. I need to highlight SN wich are in both tables. 


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