Concatenate expression for initial value for key column.

I don't know whether it is just behaving normally. But I don't get the result I want. I have a concatenate expression for a key column, which creates a unique ID from the combination of two precedent values from the dependent dropdowns list from the GR_Code and CT_Code

GR_Code values come normal. But for the CT_Code part, it brings the first value from the dependent values of GR_Codes.




Thank you for your time.


0 4 92

Could you share more detail, i.e. your expectations vs actual results?

The expression you shared does not give us a whole lot to work with.

Hi TeeSee1, 
Thank you for your reply. I shared some pictures blow to clarify my expectation. I hope this helps.

My Configuration

App View
As you could see, PR_CODE expression brings the first value from the dependent list. This value should be 102 for the the PEARS Category.

Backend Table



A few questions.

  1. The app formula for CT_CODE that you have is [GROUP_NAME].[GR_CODE]. Is this correct? (This cannot be right as far as I can see)
  2. CT_NAME is of Type Text, is this correct?
  3. Can you also share the table definitions for GROUPS  as well as the table containing CT_NAME and CT_CODE.

@TeeSee1 wrote:

The app formula for CT_CODE that you have is [GROUP_NAME].[GR_CODE]. Is this correct? (This cannot be right as far as I can see

I made a double and triple check, yes it is not correct. Thank you for pointing out this.

Actually, it was [GROUP_NAME].[CT_CODE] I made a mistake when editing in paint. But even that expression does not return the corresponding values. Because I have a list of the same KEY values for GROUPNAME in the grouping table.

In the product table, I want to bring a dependent dropdown list for the group and category. and yes dependent dropdown works (yey!). While typing the sentence above I found the solution and tried it and it is working as it should be.

I just needed to use an app formula for the CT_CODE column.




Thank you for your time, sir.


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