Concatenate several columns


I have a table with a lot of columns. I would like to connect them to 1 string. It's for an API where i only need this string.

Skรฆrmbillede 2022-12-16 kl. 13.40.18.png

i have a "set" for each articel. Varenummer 123456 and LeverandoerAO has to bee connected like this, 123456AO.  and then seperated by a comma and then Antal. So 3 columns is used for 1 article. And i need this for 25 articels(eash has 3 columns to make the string correct.

I have tried Concatenate it like this but it leaves me with commas and semicolon that are not used.


[1 Varenummer],[1 Leverandรธr],":",[1 Antal],",",

[2 Varenummer],[2 Leverandรธr],":",[2 Antal],",",

[3 Varenummer],[3 Leverandรธr],":",[3 Antal],",",

[4 Varenummer],[4 Leverandรธr],":",[4 Antal],",",

[5 Varenummer],[5 Leverandรธr],":",[5 Antal],",",



Heres is the output 


How would the formula look so i only makes a string if Varenummer is Not empty?

0 2 71

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