Conditional action with multiple fields + Refresh


I am new to AppSheet and before spending too much time I wanted to check if what I want to create is possible please:


1) I would like to get the user to fill a form with multiple fields and depending on the fields it would display a different page. Is it possible to create such a conditional action based on the combination of multiple fields?


2) On some pages, I will display some news that may change from time to time. If I submit the app through the ios appstore, will the app be able to refresh if I make a change on the AppSheet platform only without re-submitting it to the appstore?


Many thanks !

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Definitely possible with some elbow grease!

After the initial form is filled out and the user submits that information, you could have a view or multiple that only appear if certain conditions are met using that form. Not entirely sure what you're building but it sounds like you'd require a user table to log their preferences or maybe their region.

When you update or add rows to a spreadsheet and you've allowed your users to access those rows, they would be able to see those things you'd like to post without you having to constantly update your ios file.

Hope this helps, good luck on your journey. I highly recommend trying to make use of some of the amazing template apps available. This example of a resource hub below sounds perfect for you!

Many thanks - much appreciated !!!
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