Conditional input view

I am a ginger farmer and want to capture the harvest weight according to FARM - PROCUCE - BLOCK. I completed the app setup but are not happy with the view behaviour after inputting the lug weights one-by-one.

After I competed the form based on conditional dropdown FARM - PROCUCE - BLOCK and input the 1st lug weight and save form, I want to revert back to detailed view to see if I made any input errors. After that I want to go back to the form and input the next lug weight without again having to select FARM - PROCUCE - BLOCK. I tried the action: copy this row and edit, but it does not allow me to first view input data to inspect input errors before capturing the next lug weight, plus it leaves the previous entered weight in the lug weight input field that is not desired. I also tried playing with different views but I keep on having to add FARM - PROCUCE - BLOCK before getting the the place were I can input the next lug weight.

After capturing all the lug weights for the spesific BLOCK I want to go back to the menu and move on to the next FARM - PROCUCE - BLOCK to capture that harvested ginger.

I have been struggling for days on my own with no success.

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Go into the form view.  Under the app preview you'll see "form view:", click that to get into the right form view.  The find the setting called Finish view.  Change this to <TableName>_Detail where <TableName> is the table that the form works on.  That will solve the issue of the form saving and going back to the table view.  You'll also be able to scroll down and add another lug weight.

Thank you. It worked. The only problem is that I still need to re-enter the "FARM - PROCUCE - BLOCK column fields before entering the next lug weight for the same harvest block. Is there a way to go back to entering the next lug weight without having to reselect all the dependent fields?

You want to create a Parent table/Child table relationship.  Your Parent table is identified by the "FARM - PROCUCE - BLOCK" details. Since it appears that Block is lowest level, the Parent table is actually the Blocks table.  The Farm and Procuce (not sure what that is) are category details which you can use to Group the Blocks.  The Child table is where the Lug Weights are recorded. 

I suggest a BASIC table definition like this:

Blocks Table

Block ID  Farm Procuce Block Other
<<row key - unique value>> <<Ref to a Farms table>> <<Ref to a Procuce>> <<Text to enter name of Block>> <<other columns>>

Lug Weights Table

Lug Weight ID Block Lug Weight Other
<<row key - unique value>> <<Ref to the Blocks table>> <<Text for Lug identifier>>  <<Decimal for value>> <<other columns>>

To establish the Parent/Child relationship, turn on the "Is part of" setting in the Block column of the Lug Weights table.  This will automatically setup the Parent/Child link between the two tables.  You will be given an Inline table in the Blocks Form view to enter each Lug Weight row.  When you Save each Lug Weight, the app will automatically return to the Blocks Form view with the new row entered into the Inline table which you can review before proceeding to the next Lug Weight entry. You can adjust the columns visible in this Inline table.  None of the Lug weight entries are Saved until you ALSO Save the Blocks Form view

For more details, review this article and sample app

In the article, scroll down to the section "Express ownership between tables".

References between tables

In the sample app below, click on the Hammer item and then scroll down to see what the Inline table look like.  Imagine the Hammer items as one of your Blocks rows and the Inline table as your list of Lug Weight entries.


Thank you for the thorough explanation and links. I tried the whole day to get it right but could not get the inline table to display correctly so that I could add the next lug weight without having to input the FARM - PROCUCE - BLOCK over again.  I studied your links but could not apply the leanings. Would it be possible for you to look at my setup and find my mustake?

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