Conditioned list - return specific values based on selected day

Hello everyone,

I have this simple functionality in one of my apps and I was trying to replicate it in another, but for some reason I can't make it work.

What I have:

Table1: Serial number, Inspection Day
Table2: a form that includes the above 2 columns too

What I want:
Selecting "Monday" from the "Inspection Day" dropdown should only show me serial numbers for Monday in the "Serial Number" dropdown, but I'm not sure why it's returning all the serial numbers

Table1: Serial number, Device type
Table2: a form that includes the above 2 columns too
Whenever I select "Chromebook" I only see the serial numbers for Chromebooks, if I select anything else, I get a different list of serial numbers based on the chosen device type

The functionality mentioned for App#1 is working fine for App#2, so I decided to simply copy the same idea used in App#2.

App#1 - SELECT(Table1[Serial Number],([Day]=[_THISROW].[Day])) - this one is not working

App#2 - SELECT(Table1[Serial Number],([Device Type]=[_THISROW].[Device type])) - this one is working

Both "Day" and "Device type" have the same column types "Enum" containing either week days or types of devices. I tried comparing both apps and I couldn't find the cause of this.
I checked everything I knew, from capital letters to typos to different variations of the same formula, virtual columns to double check if the selected day was correct (and it was).. nothing worked.

Can you guys please point me in the right direction? Let me know if you need additional info to better understand what is happening.

Thanks in advance!


Solved Solved
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Solved it, I knew it has to be something simple ๐Ÿ˜ด

App#1 - SELECT(Table1[Serial Number],([Day]=[_THISROW].[Day])) - this one wasn't working because Table1 doesn't have a column called "Day", it's called "Inspection Day".

View solution in original post


Check the base type of the Enums?

Both have "text" type, I tried to reproduce it 1 to 1 since it was the same concept, but it didn't work. I'll keep investigating, I'll do a demo app and see if it works there or not

Solved it, I knew it has to be something simple ๐Ÿ˜ด

App#1 - SELECT(Table1[Serial Number],([Day]=[_THISROW].[Day])) - this one wasn't working because Table1 doesn't have a column called "Day", it's called "Inspection Day".

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