Connecting Appsheet to Bigquery in Google Cloud Platform (GCP

Hello All!

I am new to Google Cloud Platform and wondering about a few things I am hoping the community can help me with, please.

Can I use Bigquery or SQL to replicate google sheets? I am having sensitive data relayed back to me via the AppSheet end user who are doing inspections for me, and I need the data permanently secured in the Google Cloud Platform. My understanding is that I can't feed AppSheet data from the end user directly into Google Cloud Platform.

Does anyone have a solution to having AppSheet end-user data transferred directly into GCP (instead of Google Drive where my Google sheets are usually kept) and to be stored for the long term (archived)

I have been told that Bigquery and SQL may be able to do this, however I am not 100% on understanding the full capabilties of these 2 products yet. If someone can tell me if this is possible I will investigate it further. Thank you!

Any helpful links would be warmly welcome.


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@johnni88 wrote:

Can I use Bigquery or SQL to replicate google sheets?

Do you mean "replace" rather than "replicate"? Both BiqQuery and SQL can be used to replace Google Sheets as a data store.

@johnni88 wrote:

I am having sensitive data relayed back to me via the AppSheet end user who are doing inspections for me, and I need the data permanently secured in the Google Cloud Platform.

What makes you think your Google Drive and Google Sheets data is not secure? What makes you think GCP would be more secure? I wouldn't assume GCP would be inherently more secure, especially for someone new to it.

@johnni88 wrote:

My understanding is that I can't feed AppSheet data from the end user directly into Google Cloud Platform.


@johnni88 wrote:

to be stored for the long term (archived)

The term "archived" suggests you're talking about historical data, not live data, and that you want historical data handled differently than live data. Please clarify your intent.


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I imagine you haven't received a response yet because these questions don't really make any sense. It is obvious that you have a large whole in your understanding of something, but what exactly that is, is not clear.

Tabular data is tabular data. It can be stored in many places, such as GSheets or a SQL database. You can certainly copy data from one to the other. Not really sure what exactly you mean by "replicate" though.

How is sensitive data being "relayed back" to you?

What do you mean by "permanently secured", and how is that not being accomplished currently?

Google Cloud Platform is not a data storage service. GCP is a collection of many services, some of which can store data, such as their SQL service. You'll need an enterprise plan if you want to use any SQL database with Appsheet.

Hi Marc

Thanks for you reply. I may have been tripping over my feet a bit trying to explains what I need. However, google has been helping me. 

I have found out recently that I need to build my AppSheet app from SQL database in GCP. this will give me everything I need so I can use all the other GCP products.

When saying "permanently stored" I was meaning archieved for safe storage into the future. after I have finished with the live data I am receiving back to me, I'll assess it and then sign it off to be moved into archived for long-term storage. I need to comply with my client's cyber security policy(s) and GCP will give me everything i need, plus more capabilities etc.

Thanks for your help!



Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@johnni88 wrote:

Can I use Bigquery or SQL to replicate google sheets?

Do you mean "replace" rather than "replicate"? Both BiqQuery and SQL can be used to replace Google Sheets as a data store.

@johnni88 wrote:

I am having sensitive data relayed back to me via the AppSheet end user who are doing inspections for me, and I need the data permanently secured in the Google Cloud Platform.

What makes you think your Google Drive and Google Sheets data is not secure? What makes you think GCP would be more secure? I wouldn't assume GCP would be inherently more secure, especially for someone new to it.

@johnni88 wrote:

My understanding is that I can't feed AppSheet data from the end user directly into Google Cloud Platform.


@johnni88 wrote:

to be stored for the long term (archived)

The term "archived" suggests you're talking about historical data, not live data, and that you want historical data handled differently than live data. Please clarify your intent.


Yes, i did mean "replace" rather than "replicate". I am getting some assistance from Google to help me setup a SQL database inside GCP. The business I have running I want to be tied into GCP completely so I can expand its capabilities over time by utilising GCP products. 

My appsheet app, I have recently learned, is going to be built from a SQL database. I will build the app this way moving forward.

Also correct in regard to data stored. After I have finished with live data. I will move it into archived storage to be kept safely into the future. I want it stored in a particular manner so it is compliant with cyber security requirements as well.

Thanks for your assistance


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