Constant issues with template

I have created so many templates but for the life of me today it is just not happening, keep getting constant error message, what am I doin wrong or not seeing???




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From the image shared , it sounds that the font of <<end>> is not bold like rest of the template. 

Please try to make <<end>> bold or please make the rest of the template font normal. 

Nope, tried that and still the same error


<<start:report slice[Door Ref ID]>>

Client Door Ref: <<[Client Door Ref]>>

House Number/Plot: <<[House Number/Plot]>>

Street Name/Reference: <<[Street Name/Reference]>>

Postcode: <<[Postcode]>>



Right found the issue and it is to do with using word templates, for some reason word template do not work now. If copy the excate lines to google docs works fine!

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