Copy data from preovious entry


I have flight logbook app in appsheet, and Im trying to copy some of the data from my previous entry into the new entry as a the initial value, for example a i have log multiple flights in the same aircraft registration, so as to not have to write on each entry the same Aircraft registration i would like the value of that column to be exaclty the same as the one i logged just before.

can it be done?

thank you,


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Hey man,

I'm sure there's a shorter version of that, but this should work:

Initial Value of AircraftInfoField =
INDEX(SELECT(flightlogbook_Table[AircraftInfoField], [logbook ID] = MAXROW("flightlogbook_Table", "_RowNumber")), 1)

logbook ID = The Keyfield of your flightlogbook_Table


View solution in original post


Short answer - probably. Typically using MAXROW() or SELECT() with ORDERBY() should function in this type of scenario, but you also possibly need a timestamp column. You will possibly want to share some details (screenshot) of your table setup and/or what you have tried and were not successful with.

Just thought of one additional item. There is also an action available that might work for you called 'copy this row and edit the copy'. Or you might also be able to use another action called 'go to another view within this app' and use LINKTOFORM().

Hey man,

I'm sure there's a shorter version of that, but this should work:

Initial Value of AircraftInfoField =
INDEX(SELECT(flightlogbook_Table[AircraftInfoField], [logbook ID] = MAXROW("flightlogbook_Table", "_RowNumber")), 1)

logbook ID = The Keyfield of your flightlogbook_Table


Although a valid approach, I would suggest using caution when implementing _ROWNUMBER in these type of formulas. This is possible when using Sheets as your database, however I don't know if _ROWNUMBER works with Appsheet database. Also, this would only work if the table stores data for only one aircraft registration number. Further complications could arise if multiple users enter data to the same table with different registration numbers. Although some of that could be solved by introducing additional filters to the MAXROW() formula or just using LINKTOFORM() via an action directly from the detail view of the previous flight. Or I guess if you do an inline action from the table that shows all the flight logs.


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