Copy data - i need just two values - and place in another table - not a new row?

How do i copy data from one table ( i only need two column values) and place it in another row - not a new row? I want the new data to link to the corresponding key in the other table.

Table A - I want two columns copied
Table B - I want those two values placed in the linked row ( so it must go to the correct row)

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Platinum 4

Unfortunately, there’s no trivial way to do what you want.

You need the row in table B to perform an action to set its own column values from the desired column values of the row in table A. The action performed by the table B must be able to determine which table a row to use. For instance, if table B is a child table for table A, you could dereference the table B row’s parent Ref.

Would it be easier combining the two tables and just separate what i need in my views?

Not nearly enough information to say.


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