Copy or move A row from parent table with its child records to another table with child table

Hello guys 

What is the best way to copy or move a row from parent table A with its child records to another parent table B and it's child records


0 4 106

Thanks for providing that link 

Watched that 41 minutes video but still don't know how that related to moving row from table A to Table B with its records taking into account that child table is a part of parent table

Did I miss something from that video? 

No good resources on this at the moment.  (Something that's actually.... checking... 3rd from the top of my list of video topics. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  1. References Primer
  3. Copying Records

That's great news 

I love your videos man I learned a lot from them keep up the good work 

Right now I'm using some actions to copy the data into table B then remove data from table A but I have to set the action for both parent and child and that would be  like 10 actions just to copy parent and child record then delete data from both of them in Table A



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